Back Pain
Massage therapy for chronic/acute back pain is one of the most common causes people seek massage therapy.
Back pain can be attributed to sitting for an extended period of time, athletic injuries, stress, repetitive injuries, sedentary life style in addition to many other unavoidable life style choices.
Fortunately, massage therapy is being recognized by several healthcare providers as a effective and legitimate treatment for back pain without the use of drugs and surgeries. Massage therapy and self-care is most effective form of treatment in reducing and eliminating back pain.
What is most important is customizing a massage therapy session for each client since the cause of back pain could be for a variety of reasons. There is no reason to live with back pain. It can be effectively treated through massage therapy in addition to other forms of alternative therapy.
Have more questions about myotherapy. Call/text Georgette at (718)930.2950 or send an email at